Girl From The North Country is now playing at Theatre Royal Sydney for a strictly limited season.
Tickets are now on sale for performances through to 19 March.
- Theatre Royal Sydney and through Ticketek
Where to buy tickets
Tickets are now on sale through Theatre Royal Sydney and through Ticketek
You may be refused entry to Girl From The North Country if you hold tickets purchased through unauthorised re-sellers such as Viagogo, eBay, Gumtree or similar. In accordance with NSW scalping legislation, it is illegal to resell a ticket for more than 10% of its face value.
Running time & age recommendations
Girl From The North Country runs approximately 2 hours and 30 minutes including interval.
The production contains some coarse language and sexual references, and is recommended for audiences aged 14 and over.
Parents NSW Vouchers
Parents NSW Vouchers can be used to purchase tickets and can be redeemed in person at the Theatre Royal Sydney box office or over the phone. Vouchers are only valid on full price tickets and are limited to one voucher per ticket.
Parents NSW Vouchers cannot be redeemed at the venue Bars.
Dine & Discover Vouchers
Vouchers are accepted at Theatre Royal Sydney and can be used at the Box Office (in person, phone and email only).
Vouchers are only valid on full price tickets and are limited to one voucher per ticket.
Group bookings
Group booking discounts are available for select performances of Girl From The North Country.
Groups of 8-16 can be purchased online through Theatre Royal Sydney. For all larger group bookings, please contact the venue.
Theatre Royal Sydney is an accessible venue. To make a an accessibility booking, please contact the venue.
Further information on access, limited mobility and hearing loop can be found here.
Auslan Interpreted Performance
Girl From The North Country will be having an Auslan Interpreted Performance at 6.30pm Tuesday 18th January.
Change of date
Exchanges must be made no later than 48 hours prior to the start of the originally ticketed performance and may not be made for the same performance.
Exchanges cannot result in fewer tickets or seats in a lesser price category than originally purchased. A $10 per ticket fee applies up to a maximum of $30 per exchange transaction. All exchanges are subject to availability.
To arrange an exchange, please return to your point of purchase for instructions and full terms and conditions.
You may be refused entry to Girl From The North Country if you hold tickets purchased through unauthorised re-sellers such as Viagogo, eBay, Gumtree or similar. In accordance with NSW scalping legislation, it is illegal to resell a ticket for more than 10% of its face value.
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Parents NSW Vouchers cannot be redeemed at the venue Bars.
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Further information on access, limited mobility and hearing loop can be found here.
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To arrange an exchange, please return to your point of purchase for instructions and full terms and conditions.
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