Girl From The North Country opens at the newly refurbished Her Majesty’s Theatre on 25 March 2022 as part of State Theatre Company South Australia’s 2022 Season.

    Tickets are available to purchase online.

    Customers are encouraged to avoid buying tickets through unauthorised third-party websites that sell secondary tickets, as there is no guarantee the tickets will be valid for entry at the Venue. Entry to an event may be refused if the authenticity or validity of a ticket is questionable due to being purchased via an unauthorised sales channel.

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    Girl From The North Country runs approximately 2 hours and 30 minutes including interval.

    The production contains some coarse language and sexual references, and is recommended for audiences aged 14 and over.

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    Every tenth subscription in a group booking is free (i.e. book for 9 people and get the 10th free). To take advantage of this offer, bookings must be made in a single transaction.

    For Group Subscriptions Bookings, please contact the State Theatre Company South Australia Ticket Office.

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    Her Majesty’s Theatre is an accessible venue. To make an accessibility booking, please contact the State Theatre Company South Australia Ticket Office.

    Further information on access, limited mobility and hearing loop can be found here.

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    Exchanges must be made no later than 48 hours prior to the start of the originally ticketed performance and may not be made for the same performance.

    State Theatre Company South Australia subscribers are entitled to one free exchange per subscriber, with a $8.95 charge for each exchange after that. Please contact State Theatre Company South Australia Ticket Office for an exchange request.

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    Ticketing Information

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  • Where to buy tickets

    Girl From The North Country is part of State Theatre Company South Australia’s 2022 Season.

    Tickets are available to purchase online.

    Customers are encouraged to avoid buying tickets through unauthorised third-party websites that sell secondary tickets, as there is no guarantee the tickets will be valid for entry at the Venue. Entry to an event may be refused if the authenticity or validity of a ticket is questionable due to being purchased via an unauthorised sales channel.

  • Running time & age recommendations

    Girl From The North Country runs approximately 2 hours and 30 minutes including interval.

    The production contains some coarse language and sexual references, and is recommended for audiences aged 14 and over.

  • Group bookings

    Every tenth subscription in a group booking is free (i.e. book for 9 people and get the 10th free). To take advantage of this offer, bookings must be made in a single transaction.

    For Group Subscriptions Bookings, please contact the State Theatre Company South Australia Ticket Office.

  • Accessibility

    Her Majesty’s Theatre is an accessible venue. To make an accessibility booking, please contact the State Theatre Company South Australia Ticket Office.

    Further information on access, limited mobility and hearing loop can be found here.

  • Change of date

    Exchanges must be made no later than 48 hours prior to the start of the originally ticketed performance and may not be made for the same performance.

    State Theatre Company South Australia subscribers are entitled to one free exchange per subscriber, with a $8.95 charge for each exchange after that. Please contact State Theatre Company South Australia Ticket Office for an exchange request.